"GOAMA", International Go Newsletter
IGN "Goama", 10th issue
Dear friends!
We are glad to present you the 10th issue of the “Goama” newsletter, including:
1. An interview with Choi Chelhan, 9-dan (last part)
2. Article “The favorite football teams of Chinese Go players”
3. New trick-move (pdf format)
Choi Chelhan’s interview after he won 2004 Kuksu title (last part)
- Let’s talk about your life a little. It is a bit awkward to ask the Kuksu title holder just how is he studying Go. But anyway, how do you practice and polish your skills?
- The best way for me is to visit Hankuk Kiwon or Kwan’s school. I can’t say that I wouldn’t be able to study Go at home, but when I go to the federation or the club I can examine and analyze my games as well as the games of other players. I play at least one game a day.
- And do you play on the Internet?
- Yes, sometimes. I have an account on Tygem server.
- Can you tell us your nickname?
- It is not a secret, a lot of people know it already. But lately I am only occasionally playing there. When I appear there, all greet “Kuksu is here”, but if I lose, all gloat “What kind of Kuksu are you if you are losing to everybody”.
- What do you do in the days you are not busy with tournaments?
- I attend Hankuk Kiwon federation or the Kwon club. If I have some time at home, I play computer games or just browse the Internet.
- Could you name some of your favorite games?
- There are a lot of games, but mostly Starcraft.
- And how strong are you in Starcraft, if measured by Go rating?
- Well, somewhere about 3-gup (2-3 European dan, comment by A.Dinerchtein). This is the best level permitted to take maximum pleasure of playing Go.
- This is impressive. I know a lot of young professional Go players that regularly play in Starcraft. How would you compare yourself to them?
- We all play at about the same level. I am probably 7th or 8th.
- And who is the strongest?
- Like I said, we are all at the same level.
- Well, I can feel the desire to win! As in Go, you don’t want to let anyone pass you. I know that you’ve become a student of university of foreign languages. So, how do you like it there?
- Don’t make me mad.
- ???
- It was hard for me to even finish high school. A lot of players dropped out of school after they became professionals, but I graduated. You couldn’t say that I tried too hard, but I was able to finish, and decided to continue. The elders recommended me to study foreign languages, and that’s why I chose it.
- And why specialize in Japanese?
- I needed to pick, and English is too hard. I was debating between Chinese and Japanese, and decided to take Japanese, while my friend, Weon Songchin, 7-dan, picked Chinese.
- How many times a week do you go to the University?
- Today was my first time, before that I was preparing for the tournament.
- And finally, do you have a girlfriend?
- No, and no thought of one either, since I try to devote all of my time to Go.
- Thank you for the interview, and I wish you the best of luck.
- Thank you!
The end
“The favorite football teams of Chinese Go players”
What is your favorite football team and player?
1.Gu Li, 9-dan http://www.go4go.net/v2/modules/collection/byplayer2.php?pid=179
Brazil was not my favorite team in the past, but I start loving them as soon as I noticed Ronaldinho. My favorite football stars are Ronaldinho and Thierry Henry(France), but I feel that France team has small chances of winning the tournament.
2. Liu Shizhen 6-dan http://www.go4go.net/v2/modules/collection/byplayer2.php?pid=26
I love Holland team. I believe, they can enter the final match. They are so strong, but their results on international scene are not so high. My favorite player is Zinedine Zidane (France)
3. Wang Xi, 5-dan
Brazil, of course. My favorite player is Ronaldinho, without any doubts.
4. Zhang Xuebin, 5-dan
I like Germany and Czech, but I think that they will not win the tournament. It will be difficult for them to enter semifinals, they even have some chances of failing down during preliminary competition
5. Huang Yizhong, 6-dan
My favorite team is Holland. I think, they can reach semifinals. I like
Ruud van Nistelrooy from Holland
6. Ding Wei, 8-dan
Brazil, Argentina, Netherlands. My favorite player is Ronaldinho
7. Hu Yaoyu, 8-dan
I love England, but unfortunately they will not show us good results. My favorite player is Ronaldinho
8. Wang Yao, 6-dan
I am always a fan of Brazil and Ronaldinho
9. Liu Jing, 8-dan
I like Spain team and think that they can reach semifinals. My favorite player is Raul (Spain)
10.Wang Lei, 8-dan
Brazil and Ronaldinho!
11. Qiu Jun, 7-dan
Brazil, of course!
12. Luo Xihe, 9-dan
I like Brazil and Portugal most of all.
Enjoy the newsletter!
The IGN “Goama” editor’s team
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