"GOAMA", International Go Newsletter
IGN "Goama", 3rd issue
Dear friends!
We are glad to present you the 3rd issue of the "Goama" newsletter, including:
1. Interview with Gu Li, 7-dan, the winner of the 10th LG cup (fragment)
2. The story of Kim In, 9-dan (last part)
3. "The 1971 Honinbo tournament": Book review by our expert Ivo Schuurink
4. The most exciting game of the week (few links)
5. New trick-move from Korea (at the attachment, pdf format)
Interview (fragment) with Gu Li, 7-dan, the winner of LG cup, Seoul, 21.04.2006
- Chen Yaoye, 5-dan surprised the world by beating you in rounds 3 and 4. What do you think about the junior Chinese players? Are they so strong?
- Yes, they are getting stronger and stronger. For sure, you will often see such players as Zhou Ruiyang, Li Zhe and Gu Lingyi in near future
- Who are the top 3 world players?
- Lee Changho 9-dan, Lee Sedol, 9-dan and Choi Cheolhan, 9-dan. My position is near the 10th place
- Who are the most difficult opponents for you in China and other countries?
It's hard to say. Every Chinese master, standing on 1-20 position in Chinese rating list is a hard opponent. The most difficult Korean masters are Lee Changho, Lee Sedol, Choi Cheolhan and Park Yeonghun; Cho U and Yoda Norimoto - from Japan.
- If we see the tables of recent international tournaments, we can notice what the results of Chinese players are getting better than Koreans. How do you think, which country is stronger right now?
- Korean masters are still better. Five of them enter the 1/4 of Fujitsu cup. If they wish to develop Go around the world, they must let the players from other countries to win tournaments from time to time J
- What is your future goal?
- This time I won the tournament, because of luck. Next time I will try to do the same without it.
- Last time you noticed, you will get married, as soon as you win the World Go Championship. It happened. Do you have any news on this subject?
- Not yet. Still I have no girlfriend ...
Some photos from the closing ceremony of the 10th LG cup:
Game records:
KIM IN'S STORY (last part)
"What are we going to do?" Ma asked Kim In after the meeting with Kosugi.
"Look here", said Kim In taking an envelope out of the pocket. Ma's face turned visibly red as he read the letter.
"No way. Can you believe this? Were have you been before?"
The letter, as you probably guessed already, was Cho Namchul's letter of recommendation. The letter that Kim In received before leaving Korea.
The next day Ma took Kim to the Kitani school. Kitani read the recommendation, smiled and gladly accepted Kim in his club.
Now he could finally calm down. Kim ended up at the strongest school in Japan, next to masters like Otake Hideo, Ishida Yoshio, Kato Masao...
He was following the same road as his predecessor, Cho Namchul, did.
Kitani was held in high regard at the Nihon Ki-in at the time. With Fujisawa Shuko's support, he raised the issue of awarding Kim In professional status in Japan. It has been decided to play a certification game with the first Japanese 9-dan - Fujisawa Hosai. They would play with a 2 stone handicap. With a win Kim In would receive a 3-dan, 2-dan with a draw, and 1-dan with a loss.
May 6, 1962
Kim In won the game against Fujisawa Hosai and became a 3-dan of Nihon Ki-in. Many Japanese professionals, including Kosugi, were extremely disappointed by the decision. Allowing some Korean to become a professional, and awarding him a 3-dan based on 1 game! That was too much! It was the second time a foreigner received a professional dan without playing in a qualification tournament. Chinese Go Seigen had been the first, and he received 3-dan as well.
Kitani and Fujisawa Shuko stood by Kim In. They explained their opinion like this:
"We must realize that he is a foreigner. We are the strongest Go nation in the world. We must consider the development of Go abroad. Remember, 20 years ago, we had a professional here by the name of Cho Namchul. Just look at how hard he is trying to develop Go in Korea now!"
The end.
"The 1971 Honinbo tournament"
This book basically comments the games the challenger of the 1971 Honinbo tournament, Ishida Yoshio, played to win the Honinbo title.
These games 14 in total are covered in high details in a total of 200 pages or close to 15 pages per game!
What I especially like about this book is how I understood the explanations well when I was around 5 kyu but right now they are still very interesting.
The author manages to make the chapters easy to read and with a lot of background information while not overdoing it.
I get the impression the commentaries of Iwamoto Kaoru that where used to make this books where created with the help of the players, he succeed in making you feel like the players themselves are showing you why something is done or not done.
I suspect at least partial suggestions made by the players are used.
The diagrams are a bit small and there is a lot of text, it suits mine taste but I can imagine some people like it less, still its easy to read unlike some other books that are heavy text-oriented.
In mine opinion this book is the best game commentary book available in English, with high replay ability.
1. 18.04.2006, 2nd Korean Prices Information Cup, Lee Jaeung vs Cho Hanseung.
Crazy battle with lot of tesujis and dead groups.
2. 20.04.2006, 8th Chinese City League A, Lan Tian vs Yu Bin
Huge group sacrificed(?) by Yu Bin, a good example of "Finding last chances, instead of resigning".
3. 20.04.2006, 8th Chinese City League A, Ma Xiaochun vs Zhao Zhelun
Whole-board capturing race.
Note from A. Dinerchtein:
My apologizing to all KGSplus members. I was not able to held my lecture on April, 22 "Finding last chances, instead of resigning" due to internet smash in my city. Hope to see you next time!
Here is the list of another KGS+ lectures: http://kgs.kiseido.com/en_US/plusSchedule.jsp
Enjoy the newsletter!
The IGN "Goama" editor's team
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