"GOAMA", International Go Newsletter
IGN "Goama", 4th issue
Dear friends!
We are glad to present you the 4th issue of the “Goama” newsletter, including:
1. An interview with Park Yeonghun, 9-dan, 2004 (part 1)
2. “Five hundred and one tesuji problems”: Book review by our expert Ivo Schuurink
3. Chinese and Korean league tournaments. An article by Mace Li, 6-dan
4. The most exciting game of the week (link)
5. New trick move (at the attachment, pdf format)
An interview with Park Yeonghun after he won the 2004 Fujitsu Cup. Translated from Korean, published with permission from “Baduk Sege” magazine. Part one.
About seven years ago a friend of mine remarked: “Park Yeonghun is playing well. Just wait a little and he might become a professional.” I told him then: “Just how easy do you think it is? Do you even know how strong the insei are? It will be hard for Park without having played in the insei-league (let us remind you that Park preferred not to become an insei, and to get his experience by playing in the adult amateur tournaments).
And now? Of course, I must admit I had been wrong.
Now I got a chance to apologize.
- I’m sorry, Park.
- It’s OK, don’t worry.
- You’ve grown, how tall are you now?
- About 5’-11”, 155 lbs.
- By the way, I’ve been meaning to ask you for a while, when after the 3rd game of the Samsung Cup (Park lost to Cho Chikun by a 1-2 score) I interviewed Cho-sabom for about 30 minutes, where did you disappear to?
- Huh… I went to have dinner with some professional friends that were there supporting me.
- How could you eat after such a devastating loss?
- It was a pity, of course, but so what? My friends were hungry…
- What did you feel after the loss?
- It hurt really badly, but then it kind of numbed. I can now say it was a valuable experience.
- Let’s talk about the Fujitsu Cup now. Which game was the hardest for you?
- I should have lost to Yuki Satoshi in the first round, but he made a mistake in the ending. Luck hasn’t left me since.
- I know your mom was really glad.
- Glad is not a strong enough word. The final game fell on her birthday, and I really wanted to give her the trophy as a gift.
- World Champions and runners-up are excused from military service (mandatory for all Koreans with strictly followed rules. In some cases, major politicians have lost elections when the public found out about their sons avoiding the service (commentary by A. Dinerchtein)). Were you happy about that?
- Yes, and I knew about it already. Once I returned home after the semifinal win over Yoo Changhyuk, the notice was in my mailbox already.
- Indeed, it was a good time to win. You are currently studying Go in Yoo Changhyuk’s club, aren’t you? Did this fact influence the game?
- Yes, beating my own teacher was unpleasant. I would have preferred another opponent.
- What did Yoo Changhyuk say about it?
- Nothing before the game. And after the loss he remarked: “If you win the tournament, you’re going to treat me to dinner”. He is my teacher, to whom I am grateful and at the same time have a sense of guilt.
To be Continued...
"Five hundred and one tesuji problems"
This book has recently been reprinted and since I felt weak at the tesuji area I bought it.
The setup of the book is like most of the other book in the “mastering the basics” series.
You get a page full of problems, just enough to do in one go, and on the next pages the answer and common mistakes are shown with reasonable detailed explanation.
The book seems aimed at about 1-5kyu, while the difficulty is not special, it does what it says on the cover, you will improve your intuition for finding skilful moves, and by recognizing the shapes read out those tesuji faster.
If you dislike live and death problems but want to train your reading skills this book is a nice alternative
A brief introduction of Chinese and Korean league tournaments.
Chinese City League A:
This is the 8th year of the Chinese City League A tournament. The first round just started on April 15th. There are 12 teams competing in a 22-round tournament. Each team has to play all other teams twice - one home and one away. The whole tournament will not finish until the end of this year.
Each team has about 6 players. Only 4 players will play each round and one of which will be appointed as captain. The 4 games include 3 normal 3-hour slow games and 1 fast game which is suitable for TV broadcasting. The winning team will be awarded 2 points while losing team gets 0. Whenever a team competition ends up in a 2-2 tie, the captain's game will be used as tie-breaker, giving the winner 1.5 point and the loser 0.5 point. Based on last year's experience, weaker teams with fewer strong players can often benefit from this rule to be able to beat stronger teams, making the whole tournament more competitive.
The Chinese League tournament traditionally welcomes top players from other countries as guest players. This year, the biggest name among the guest players is Lee Sedol 9-dan, who will represent Team Guizhou Suketing to play about 10 games. He is reported to have signed a very interesting agreement. He will get a sizable payment for each game he wins but get nothing for each game he loses. He must be very confident in his ability. Other guest players include Hong Minpyo 4-dan, Kim Seungjun 9-dan, Park Cheongsang 5-dan and On Sojin 2-dan, all from Korea.
Chinese City League B:
League B tournament is currently ongoing at Wuhan City. Unlike the League A that lasts for months, League B tournament is packed into a very tight schedule. 14 teams compete in a 7-round Swiss-pairing tournament. Only the top two teams are qualified for next year's League A. League B teams are often less stable with frequent transfer of players and change of sponsors. Many teams also invite strong guest players to boost their promotion chances. This year, the guest players include Song Taekon 8-dan, Weon Seongjin 7-dan, So Yokoku 8-dan and Han Zenki 7-dan.
There is also a League C tournament in China, often arranged in a quite arbitrary manner and with very rare media coverage. The information available on the Internet is also very limited.
Korean League:
The opening ceremony of year 2006 Korean League was held on April 14th in Seoul. This tournament has attracted a new sponsor and the scale of the tournament will double this year. There are still eight teams in this competition, assigned to represent eight major cities/counties. Instead of the single league as in last year, each team now will have to play other teams twice, with one home match and one away match.
Last year, each team had 4 players and their positions were fixed. This year, each team has 5 players from which 4 can be picked up and randomly seated to play in each round. There are in total 40 players and they are selected using the following criteria:
* Top 20 players from year 2005 prize-money list are automatically qualified.
* 12 players are selected from a preliminary tournament.
* Each team has a wild card to invite an additional player.
The tournament will last for months. There are 14 rounds during the regular season. The top 4 teams in the league will enter the play-off stage. During the play-off stage, the No. 4 team will first challenge the No. 3 team. The winner will in turn challenge the No. 2 team, then the No. 1 team to decide the champion team. There is also an international competition arranged between the champion team and the Chinese City League A winner.
2006-04-28: Li Zhe 4p (Black) vs. Xie He 6p (White) W+R
Exciting opening with unusual josekis, whole board middlegame fights.
Enjoy the newsletter!
The IGN “Goama” editor’s team
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