"GOAMA", International Go Newsletter
IGN "Goama", 9th issue
Dear friends!
We are glad to present you the 9th issue of the “Goama” newsletter, including:
1. An interview with Choi Chelhan, 9-dan (second part)
2. New trick-move (pdf format)
3. The most exciting game of the week (link)
Choi Chelhan’s interview after he won 2004 Kuksu title (second part)
- OK. Let’s talk about the Kuksu tournament. Which game was the most difficult one for you?
- Fifth, but I liked the second most. It was the first time I ever beat Lee Changho, and I played the whole game very solidly. Perhaps Lee just did not feel well that day.
- Do you use a special strategy in games against Lee?
- In the first game of the match my position was very good until yose (endgame), but then I began to lose points here and there, and ended up losing by 1.5 points. After this game I decided: no, this is wrong, I should try to win the game before the borders formation stage.
- Do you prefer to win by fighting or by playing thick position?
- No, it’s more complex. Sometimes I fight and sometimes I take territory by saving my weak groups. In short, I try to play actively, instead of responding to my opponent.
- After the final game you analyzed it with Lee Sedol. What was the impression that he got?
- We are friends. He congratulated me, but noted that I was lucky during the whole match. He said jokingly, that if I played him instead of Lee Changho, he wouldn’t let me move on.
- What do you think about Lee Changho, not just as a player, but as a person also?
- He is a very honest, fair, and decent man. It is impossible not to respect him. And at the same time it is very difficult to spend time with him. He is very introverted and does not talk much.
To be continued …
World Amateur Go Championship. Finland vs USA.
Vesa Laatikainen vs Joey Hung
Large capturing race and lot’s of ko fights. The final result was only 0.5 point!
Enjoy the newsletter!
The IGN “Goama” editor’s team
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