“GOAMA”, International Go Newsletter
IGN "Goama", 1st issue
Dear friends!
We are glad to present you the first issue of the “Goama” newsletter, including:
1.Lee Sedol’s interview (12.12.2005) and wedding photos (links)
2.The story of Kim In, 9-dan, who was the Korean student of Kitani Minoru (part 1)
3.One of Korean trick-moves in great details (at the attachment)
4.Commented game of my teacher Yim Sungun, 9-dan (at the attachment)
Recently Li Sedol, 9p lost to Gu Li in LG Cup
http://www.go4go.net/v2/modules/collection/sgfview.php?id=9050, failing to reach finals. And two days ago he lost to him once again in Chinese City League http://www.go4go.net/v2/modules/collection/sgfview.php?id=9946.
Li Sedol was playing black but had to resign on 156 move. After the game was over he had been analyzing it with his opponent for a long time and afterwards replayed it in the hotel.
- Did you stand a chance in your last game?
I was defeated totally being pressured all-round. It was a very difficult game for me.
- It seems you were ahead in the first part of the game. Is it so?
The position on the board was very complex and it was getting worse for me with every move.
- Do you believe Gu Li has become stronger?
I don’t think so. The real reason is in me. My Go spirit has become weaker.
- Is Go spirit so important?
When two masters of equal strength meet, Go spirit tips the balance.
- Why your Go spirit has become weaker?
After losing in semi-finals of LG Cup, I didn’t feel at ease and had health problems. My spirit was broken and nothing could retrieve it. Frequently I can’t pull myself together for a game.
- Have you been preparing for the game?
No, I haven’t. Taking into consideration that in China komi is 7.5 points I decided to play on territory.
- This plan didn’t work out. What do you intend to do next time?
All depends on my current mood and health. This time I wasn’t self-confident and thus played in uncommon style.
- Strong Chinese masters believe that it’s not easy for black to make up plans in the beginning. What’s your point of view?
For me the problem arises in the second part of the game when you count balance and recall how much komi is.
- Which players play black best of all?
Choi Chulhan is very dangerous when he takes black. Lee Changho is good at both but I think he plays white better.
- Do you think your participation in Chinese City League has been successful?
I lost the most important games but in general I showed good results. The problem is that I’m not satisfied with the flow of my games.
- Last year you won 3 games and lost 4 in Chinese City League. You intended to show your true strength in 2005. You failed to do it this year. Do you postpone your promise for next year?
There are not so many games in Chinese City League. It would be wrong to judge only according to them. If I manage to play at least 8 games, then we’ll see.
- Let’s suppose that next year in Chinese City League you will play 8 games against such masters as Chang Hao, Gu Li, Kong Jie, Xie He, Hu Yaoyu… . What result do you expect?
A 6-2 result would be good but not outstanding. A 7-1 result would be a success.
- Did concentrated schedule and Chinese cuisine affect your game?
Slightly. But still the real reason is weakening of my Go spirit after losing in semi-finals of LG Cup. If I have such opportunity next year I’d like to come to the tournament hall two days before the game to pull myself together.
- On the latest Korean rating list you managed to overcome Lee Changho and came out on top. How long can you maintain first place?
I consider myself to be on the third place after Lee Changho and Choi Chulhan . As you know I didn’t show good results on Korean stage.
- I hear in Korea Lee Changho’s days on top are numbered. Are you agree with it?
It’s early to say about it. Let’s wait a bit. Lee Changho doesn’t get stronger but his dominance is out of question. Choi Chulhan showed good results on Korean stage but he didn’t approve himself on the international tournaments. Time will show.
- Which of Korean young masters has the best chance to show up?
It’s difficult to say. I think it’s clear from the rating list.
- Please, name 5 strongest Chinese players.
Gu Li, Kong Jie, Chang Hao, Hu Yaoyu. I can’t name the fifth. And besides I seldom watch Chinese games.
Recent news: Lee Sedol, 9-dan got married on 12.03.2006. We will put some details and new interview next time. Here you can find some photos:
KIM IN’S STORY (part 1)
The years from 1962-1963 have become essential to the history of Go in Korea. They opened the way for numerous Korean masters to begin training in Japan.
Cho Namchul had been the first Korean to do so. He left for Japan in 1937 and came back in 1944, having studied Go for 7 years in the Kitani Minoru school.
After 4 years into his studies he officially received the 1 professional dan of the Japanese Go Association. For 3 more years he took part in Japanese Go tournaments as a 1-dan, and later, after returning home established the Hansung Kiwon, which later transformed into Hankuk Kiwon, or the Korean Go Association.
18 years had passed, but he was still without a worthy opponent in Korea. Cho Namchul, the only Japanese-trained master was way ahead of everybody.
Suddenly, 20 year old Kim In, who received the 1-dan at the age of 16 and had already reached 4-dan, became a contender for the title. Cho Namchul beat him for the 3rd Chaegowi (Top Position) title by the score of 3-2, having won his 3rd in a row. Then he had to defend his Guksu (National Champion) title.
Someone asked Kim In before final match: “Kim-sabom (sensei), do you think there’s a big difference between Japanese and Korean masters?”
“The difference has to exist. Japan is the founder of modern Go, and has had a professional league for a long time.”
“And yourself? Honestly, if you have to play Honinbo Sakata or Meijin Fujisawa Shuko? Will it be hard without komi?”
Kim In was slow to respond. It was understood that even with a 2 stone handicap the struggle won’t be easy. His pride would not let him admit it openly. He had seen their games. He saw the weak moves, miscalculations and even the bad mistakes.
He realized that the Japanese masters aren’t infallible. They are very strong, but if I… If I sit to play with them…
“Kim-sabom, maybe you should study Go in Japan? Cho Namchul-sabom has learned a lot there. You know that he had no peers here for 20 years. Go on, and you’ll see that when you come back, you’ll be the strongest player!”
The others encouraged him, and that added to his confidence.
I want to go to Japan! To challenge the Japanese masters! Wait! I’m going! Kim In is going to Japan!
To be Continued...
Enjoy the newsletter!
The IGN “Goama” editor’s team
Note from A.Dinerchtein, editor-in-chief:
Normally we plan to send the newsletter on Sundays, but I cannot do it this time because of my tournament in Japan
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To obtain republishing rights for commented game records, please contact:
A.Dinerchtein, editor-in-chief, e-mail: qp@omen.ru
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